Day 14 - 4/10 AND Reflection!!!
Boring Sunday
Nothing notable today. I worked on my design for the kings and queens for about 2 hours and am ready to go for Monday. This puts my total at 43 hours!!! I wish I could do emojis letters are so boring :(.
Reflection >:)
So much to reflect on for this week. I started off strong and was making great progress with my knights. All of the work I did with my math was very gratifying and it was great to see things pay off. I found that pushing through my initial disdain at the concept of subjecting myself to any more math at all was really helpful in the long term. Once I got all my programs done I just got to sit back and push buttons while I waited for the program to finish itself. In the endgame that is much easier that standing and physically doing all the work (and arguably more satisfying but I could honestly go both ways).
Another notable thing from the week was that I got much further in my process of making my board and it looks finished now! There's still lots that can be added but what has really stuck out to me throughout the entire process the differences in the two crafts. Wood shop is definitely way more hands on in a very literal sense. You've got your hands on the wood almost 100% of the time whereas in metal shop your metal is always being held by a grip. In wood shop you manipulate the wood around a machine whereas in metal you manipulate a machine around the metal if that makes sense. I don't think that makes either of them better than the other it's just something I've reflected on during my time this project. For me personally, I prefer metal shop. I enjoy the precision that I'm able to reach using digital readouts that show me exactly how far I've moved down to a thousandth of an inch. I'm a huge perfectionist so being able to be confident in my actions feelings great.
Lastly, it would be a little silly of me to not address my end of the week slump. What happened Logan? Where'd you go? Why did you forsake all your blog followers. Well, I'm sorry to say that I was detained and tortured by an unknown security force of Proctor until I had sufficiently convinced them I would be planning no coups. Sike! That didn't happen what a funny jokester I am. Sometimes I just get into a slump, and I guess the end of the year is no exception. I think I've realized that sticking to routine and just forcing yourself to do the simple things can whip you right back into things. I know how close I am to the end and honestly, I can't wait.
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